3 Tips To Match Your Adoption Through Social Media

3 Tips To Match Your Adoption Through Social Media

Are you wondering how to match your adoption through social media? Then, keep reading to learn helpful tips that will help you if you are self-matching your adoption through social media, including what platforms you should be using, what to post so that an expectant parent will pick you, and how to work with the algorithms that drive who sees what content on social media.  

The Platforms You Choose Matter 

When it comes to using social media to match expectant parents, you must be using the right social media platforms because they are not all created equal. In a previous episode that I will link below, you can get the rundown on each platform, and why I know some are a good fit and some are not.

For the sake of our conversation today, let’s stay focused on those platforms that my clients are seeing success with here lately. The vast majority of my clients have matched via Facebook. There has been an equal split between Facebook Group matching organically and via paid advertising. I threw in the word organically, which might be a bit confusing right now. Organically means you are sharing your profile without spending money on advertising. We will talk more about that in future articles, so don’t get too wrapped up in that now. A few of my clients have also been matched via Instagram now well.

What You Post Matters 

We all know that every word we say and every picture we choose impacts the quality of our adoption profile, which can also have an impact on the speed of your adoption. I am not going to say that you can adopt in X time if you do this thing because we all know that is not reality. Still, there are some seemingly harmless things that you can be doing in your adoption profile that can actually result in people choosing other families instead of yours. 

If you are freaking out right about all of this, remember I always have your back. Even if you already have a profile, you can make edits. If you aren’t sure what to edit, I can help you. Check out the profile review resource to get started.  

Right now, though, I want to break down a few things you can do to update your adoption profile. The first thing you want to do is make sure you have clear stories. She needs to clearly see you and not be clouded by the everything and kitchen sink approach.

You also want to make sure that you create an emotional connection. You need to think about her in the way you design and share your profile. Finally, you want to create a profile that is specifically designed for social media. You want it to fit the purpose of the social media platform that you are on. 

Before we move on to tip number three, I want you to think about the social media platforms you are currently using. If you have any questions about social media matching, be sure to connect with me in my Facebook Group.  

How You Post Matters

There are some specific things you need to do on your social media platforms. From setup to sharing your message, each of these things will dramatically increase the likelihood of your post being seen. This doesn’t matter if you post on your page or in a group. However, there are a few small things that, if not done correctly, could have a big impact on your visibility.

For instance, on Facebook, the time you post could impact the visibility of your post. While on Instagram, the hashtags you use or don’t use could have a big impact. These things change all the time. Heck, they have even changed in the last month and a half. 

Learn How to Match Your Adoption Through Social Media

Don’t worry, I have your back with a social media workshop that helps you stay up to date with all the latest changes from the platforms. The workshop gives you recorded how-to lessons that you can come back to time and time again. It also includes a live Q&A session with me so that you can get all your questions answered personally. You can learn more and sign up here, to access the step-by-step training on what to do to work with the social media algorithms to have your profile be seen more and get access to a live Q&A with me. 


Hi, I Am Amanda

I am an adoption profile expert on a mission to help you create and share your family's story more affordably!

Amanda Koval