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5 Things That Adoption Profiles That Get Picked Have In Common

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5 Things That Adoption Profiles That Get Picked Have In Common

Ever wonder why some adoption profiles seem to get picked over others? Here are five things that adoption profiles that get picked have in common. Keep reading to learn more about each reason in detail.

  1. Want it to feel like paragraphs within a chapter in a book

  2. It has got to be engaging. 

  3. It has got to help you stand out from the sea of waiting for families

  4. Appeal to the different learning styles

  5. Tell a logical story

Want it to feel like paragraphs within a chapter in a book

Okay, the first tip for your adoption profile book is that we want it to feel like paragraphs within a chapter within a book. So, this is my way of saying maybe not as eloquently as I would like that you want your content to build on each other, to tell the complete story of your family. So similar to what I'm doing here in this blogpost series, right? Each post is a paragraph around your adoption profile. Then, this series of posts lead together in creating the overall adoption profile series. This is a chapter within the training class book coming up next week.

 I'm teaching you guys everything I know about adoption profiles and how to make a great one stand out from the sea, avoiding families by giving you bite-sized information. You can take that same idea and apply it to your adoption profile, no matter the format. You want each thing to feel like it builds on each other. It can be a lot to make together when creating your family's profile. You have this straightforward, concise story that you're telling about your family. Then you're just dissecting that story into smaller and smaller bits to create the overall profile that you want the expectant mother to see, and for certain touchpoints to help her come into contact with you.

It has got to be engaging. 

The following practical tip is it has got to be engaging. If you've been hanging out with me for even a micro of a hot second, you have heard me talk about this idea of thumb-stopping creative. The fundamental human truth is that we are all pulled in so many directions these days. Our time and our attention are constantly being divided further and further. So, your content has got to be something that grabs the expectant mother right away that she is like, I want to learn more about them. That's how you get that initial hello. If you're on social media posting, consider how you're holding your phone. You are scrolling with your thumb or index finger. When I talk about thumb-stopping creative, it's got to make her want to stop scrolling.

 It has got to make her want to stop and have a moment on your post to see if she wants to click back to your profile. Just to be clear, you don't have to do something crazy from a visual perspective. You don't have to be doing a handstand drinking a glass of milk, or something like that. You just need to create that initial connection with her very quickly since you only have a few seconds to grab her attention. 

You've got three seconds, as you become in the view of her on a post as she's scrolling through social media to grab her attention. You've also got three seconds as she opens up a PDF for her to decide to click learn more or just keep going and keep scrolling. This sounds probably pretty scary, right? It can be disheartening. 

This again goes back to knowing your ideal expectant mother and making great content and fit for her. Create content that's authentically you. Make peace with the fact that not every expectant mother out there is the right fit for you. I'm not just talking about whether she checks all the boxes that you're looking for related to communication and exposures, all of those things, but is she the right fit because you both enjoy the same things, you both have the same values, and philosophies on life. That is what truly makes you the right fit. She will see this in your content that will make her want to stop scrolling and engage with you. So it has to be engaging, or she's just going to keep scrolling.

It has got to help you stand out from the sea of waiting families. 

Let's move on to tip number three because I tend to build content that builds on each other. Tip number three is it's got to help you stand out from the sea of waiting families. This goes hand in hand with engaging. You may be one of 1000 families that post on one of those Facebook posts. If you're trying to self-match or trying to match through social media, that can feel pretty overwhelming. But standing out is a combination of knowing your ideal expectant mother and allowing her to see who your family is through the content you've created.

If you're matching with an agency, maybe you're not in a pool of 1000 or a pool of 500. But, regardless, you're still in this large pool, and your ability to tell a very clear, crisp story about who you are is what's going to help you stand out from the sea of waiting families. When I share this tip, people are always like, tell me exactly what to do. Give me the step-by-step formula. You may feel like you need this because you are tired of waiting and don't know if you're going to make it to the finish line.

First of all, let me say I hear you, friend. I know that feeling. I remember that feeling. Believe it or not, I was just talking to one of my students last week, and she was sharing that with me. It just kind of made that feeling come up again, and I was just in tears with her because it's real and it's raw. I want to remind you that I always have your back. In the live training, we will go through this more in detail. Make sure you grab your spot because there is a simple formula to help you stand out from the sea of waiting families and stay who you are authentically.

We're not talking about changing who your family is so that you're going to get picked. No, we don't want to do that. We know that will lead to disruption, or it has a greater chance of leading to disruption, so we don't want to do that. We want to stand in our light because we're unique. We want to share that, but we've got to share it in a way that will help us stand out from the sea of waiting families.

 Click here to join our next live profile training.

Appeal to the different learning styles

The fourth practical tip is to make content that appeals to the different learning styles. Just like in school, all people learn differently. For example, some people learn best through physically doing it with their hands, while others learn by reading. Some people even learn by seeing something visually. Although there is no way to predict how your ideal expectant mother learns, you want to make sure that you're using a mixture of content that appeals to the different learning types. This helps her create an emotional connection on a deeper level with you and helps her truly understand who you are.

For example, if you are in a Facebook group posting on an opportunity, and you're posting a static image with just some text about you, she might make a visual connection through the image or an emotional connection through the picture because she's a visual learner. But maybe all the text is too much. Perhaps the text could be too much if you have an entire paragraph that she only skims. She could look at the paragraph and think, no thanks. Instead, consider breaking up that paragraph with emojis, and she's a visual learner, then her eye might be drawn to those emojis. I'm not saying that she's not going to read the text. I'm talking about how a person learns on a subconscious level.

Your body is wired based upon how you learn best to engage with the path of least resistance. For example, If she's a visual learner and sees a video or an image with very little text that is full of emojis, the pleasure centers in her brain fire off. She gets that minor dopamine hit; I'd like to learn like this, this seems like friendly content, let me dive into this, etc.

If she's a person that needs to learn by using her hands, you may be wondering how do I help her experience that through the language that I choose? Consider, are you incredibly descriptive about your feeling and what you're sensing at those times? The whole point here is to just appeal to the different learning types and to have a very particular plan as to how you do that. Your plan consists of a mixture of the content you're sharing and making content that fits anyone who might come across that.

Tell a logical story.

The last tip is to tell a logical story. This is the most overlooked tip in the adoption profiles today. Everyone treats each post as answering a particular question or each section of the book. They don't think about building it together, like chapters in a book. They don't see it as a logical story all the way through. Typically, this is really because we are selfishly focused on ourselves.

We are focused on just the fact that we want to adopt, and we're not thinking about the expectant mother's perspective and what she needs to hear. That frequently leads us to not sharing our story logically because we're sharing based upon what pops into our brain at that moment versus having a strategy behind what you're sharing and why. I'm not saying you have to sit down and plan out a content calendar that says on this day I'll only post about this and on that day. I'll only post about that. Not at all; I mean, yes, it can be helpful. It makes you incredibly logical and methodical about what you're sharing.

However, it's more about logic in the grand sense—for example, some things I want you to know about our family. I'm going to continue to share story after story after story, and different ways with different examples about that. That is how you tell a logical story, and this may sound super overwhelming, or maybe a little over-processed right now, but I promise you, it comes across as authentic and organic in the way you share it in a relatable way.

We'll talk again about this in the training, so it's super important that you grab your spot for that class. Then, you can dive deep, and how do you tell that logical story that's easy for her to follow. 

Okay, we made it, you guys. So there you have it, five practical tips to creating a great first impression in your adoption profile. I hope you found tons of valuable information in today's jam-packed blog post. I always have you covered with a step-by-step process, exactly outline, which is precisely what we're going to cover in our free training next week. So make sure you head on over to to find a time that works for your schedule. And as always, if you have any questions and you can't wait until our live training, jump into the Facebook group and just ask. I'm always there multiple times a day to help you. 

I'm dedicated and focused on helping you guys. I want you to know that it's okay to be worried about the quality of your profile. Or if you're just getting started, worried about even creating a profile. Remember, I'm always here to help guide you through your adoption journey. You can do this, friend, and I have always got your back. See you soon!

Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey