5 Tips To Adopting A Newborn Faster

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Adopting a newborn baby through private domestic adoption can take years; if you are fortunate, it will take just a few short months.  The waiting can seem like torture, and you will want to do everything in your power to speed up your adoption process.  That is understandable. I remember feeling that every day during my adoption process.  While there is no magic wand to wave and make all of the waiting and heartbreak disappear in the adoption process, there are a few things that you can do to help you adopt faster.

It is essential to acknowledge that it is impossible to define how to adopt a baby faster. It is impossible to know how long each adoption journey will take; thus, faster can be ambiguous.  However, some things will help you stand out from the crowd, which will help you be clearer so that you can attract an expectant mother looking for the same things you are in an adoption situation.  

5 Tips To Help You Adopt A Newborn Faster

  1. Being clear on what situations you feel equipped to parent successfully

  2. Having the right partner in your adoption journey

  3. Creating an amazing adoption profile

  4. Using social media effectively

  5. Having the right social media accounts

Being clear on what situations you feel equipped to parent successfully

Clarity on what types of situations you feel equipped to is vital to understand before starting the matching process.  To do this, I would start a quick vision casting exercise.  Grab a piece of paper and the vision you have of life after your adoption for 30 minutes uninterrupted.  Don’t put your pen down. No idea is a bad idea, and no one will ever read this but you.  I would highly encourage you to do this with your partner, as well. As cheesy as it sounds, it is a great date option.  Grab your favorite mug of coffee or tea and find a few quiet moments to do this exercise. It will guide you throughout your entire adoption journey.  

If you need help figuring out what questions to ask yourself, start with the basics: 

  • What is life like at the end of this journey?

  • What type of exposures do you feel equipped to parent (do your research!)

  • What type of contact do you want to have with the birth parents after finalization?

  • What will you share with your child about their adoption journey?

  • How will you share your child’s adoption story with friends, family, and random strangers 

Once you have completed your vision casting exercise, it should be pretty obvious what type of situations you are looking for when matching your newborn adoption process.  This is something you have to stay firm on as you walk your adoption journey. Being firm and clear will only make your process more successful.

Having the right partner in your adoption journey

This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but honestly, it is the one that is overlooked the most.  Your partner doesn’t necessarily need to be an adoption agency, though it can be, and I covered how to find the right agency in this post www.myadoptioncoach.com/blog/how-to-pick-an-adoption-agency. If you are trying to match on your own, you can leverage some of the same principles for picking the right agency to find the right attorney, so that article and freebie are still great resources for you as well.

No matter which route you are following, the basic principles are the same.  To be successful in the domestic infant adoption process, you need to have someone who clearly understands what you are looking for, is an excellent fit from a communication style standpoint, and meets the time and money requirements you have.  You want to make sure to ask detailed questions around their qualifications, experience, and any certifications that might be required of them to ensure you are dealing with a reputable partner.


If you have any gut feelings that are just slightly off about the situation, you must trust that and walk away.  Having the right partner and the right tools can impact your adoption’s overall speed, which is important.

Creating an amazing adoption profile

Maybe the most important piece of your adoption journey is your adoption profile.  If your profile is not clear, compelling, and concise, an expectant mother simply will not engage with you at all.  Now, I know your heart might have skipped a beat there. The pressure, the worry, and anxiety around being chosen are real, and I do not take that lightly.  After all, I lived in that world before I matched, granted we matched and finalized each time in less than six months, but I remember doubting everything I wrote.

The modern-day adoption profile is no longer just a printed version of something you create and pass out, but rather successful adoption profiles take many different types these days.  You should be thinking about every possible way you can share your profile and be most effective in those other formats.  

Adoption profiles most often show up as a social media post, video, website, and traditional adoption profile book.  Now, I am sure that if you are still in the profile creation or the profile perfection stage of your adoption journey, that list might have felt a little overwhelming.  But don’t worry, as with everything in the adoption process, I have a step-by-step process to make your adoption profile creation process easier and make it so amazing that it helps you stand out from the sea of waiting families.  If you want to learn more about that, click below to join my waiting list for the next time I open up The Adoption Masterclass.  This only opens up a couple of times a year, so you want to sign up ASAP, so you don’t miss out on the next window.

Using social media effectively

Using social media effectively is one of the best adoption tips I could give you.  It may seem simple on the surface, post and respond to opportunities, but I can promise that you will have a much more difficult time matching if that is your mindset.  You need to have a strategy for what you post when you post, and how you post.  Not to mention that each platform has hidden things that help drive your visibility that if you are not utilizing, you are not going to be shown to prospective expectant mothers as often.

For instance, you are better off to warm up the platform on Facebook by interacting with your primary page for about 10-15 minutes before you make a post.  Another hidden tip on Facebook is to drive more engagement on your post by commenting on each comment you get so that Facebook continues to share your content with more people in your network.  This is important because only a fraction of your followers will see your content.  

If you think you don’t have any followers on your adoption pages, it can be challenging to create engagement.  You could do the same thing within a Facebook group where adoption opportunities are shown to get more exposure.  The more you comment within the group and contribute to the content, the more Facebook will show your content within that group to its members.  So if you are highly engaged, you are more likely to be seen by prospective expectant mothers. 

This can sound incredibly scary and difficult, but you know that I always have your back with the step-by-step process you need to succeed in your adoption journey. Make sure to join the waiting list for The Adoption Profile Masterclass so that you can get the exact process you need to follow. 

Having the right social media accounts

Different social media accounts will enable you to effectively engage with prospective expectant parents in your domestic adoption journey.  You need to create business accounts on both Facebook and Instagram so that you can do some prescheduling of your content through third-party applications.  Having the ability to preprogram some of your content and then mixing in content that is “fresh” is important to ensure you are super active on the various social media platforms.  The more active you are, the more likely you are to be seen by expectant parents. 

Some user-friendly apps help you pre-plan your content for Facebook and Instagram, but I would caution you on the level of pre-planning you do within the apps.  There is a delicate balance between having a consistent posting schedule and spamming your audience, which the algorithms on the various platforms will not reward you for doing.  They will show your content to fewer people if you do that.

If you need tips to get this right join The Adoption Profile Masterclass to get the exact step-by-step recommendations I have for this based on my 20 years of experience in Marketing.

If you are adopting a newborn through private adoption of any type, these five tips will help you adopt faster because the better your profile is, and the more eyeballs you get on it will result in higher engagement rates.  High engagement rates statistically increase your chances of getting chosen by an expectant mother to adopt her baby.

I know it can seem confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to join the community to get all the support you need in your adoption journey!

Remember, you can do this, and I have your back!



Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey

Amanda Koval