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7 Ways to Adopt a Baby

The adoption process can be so overwhelming and confusing when you are first starting your journey but I believe it doesn’t have to be.  I created a 3 step process to help support you on your journey to adopt a baby.

  1. Define Your Journey

  2. Tell Your Story

  3. Become a Mother

In this article we are going to dive into Define Your Journey to discuss the different options to adopt. I also created a handy reference guide for the options in the article, you can download that below and if you have already signed up for our email list, it will be one that is automatically sent to you.  If you have not signed up you can do so here.

The Options to Adopt break into three main categories, we will discuss each one in detail but here is a quick overview:

  1. Options to Adopt a baby that you carry

  2. Options to Adopt an infant

  3. Options to Adopt an Older Child

Adopting a baby that you carry and deliver, Embryo Adoption

Yes, I am sure this sounds as strange to you as it did to me when I was first starting my adoption journey but it is possible to carry a child that you adopted.  Embryo Adoption allows a biological family that has completed forming their family to choose an adoptive family to give their embryos to which is technically an adoption.

Obviously to be successful at embryo adoption you must have the ability to carry a child (or hire a surrogate) and be picked by a genetic/birth family.  To accomplish this type of adoption you would work with either an agency or fertility clinic to be matched. Each clinic or agency will have its own list of required screenings, background checks, future communication policies etc that are mandated.  As with any adoption opportunity it is important to understand the policies and procedures and ensure that is congruent with the vision you set out in your vision casting exercises. If you want the download with that exercise refer back to the download here, jlk;fdja;lkffdj;a

Embryo Adoption tends to be one of the more budget friendly options within the world of adoption if you are able to carry a pregnancy yourself.  Typically the costs entail: agency fees for background checks, matching with a birth family, screenings to ensure a high success rate for transfer, storage fees for the embryos, costs to transfer the embryos from storage to the clinic, then the typical costs of a frozen IVF transfer from your fertility clinic.  Typical range of costs for embryo adoption is $5-10K plus the cost of the frozen transfer. This can often times make embryo adoption cheaper than IVF itself since you are avoiding one leg of the IVF process all together. 

Options to Adopt an Infant

Adopting an infant has multiple options as well: international adoption, foster care, private agency, and private attorney. Each option has it own set of requirements, risks, timeline and different cost structures but the goal of all is to adopt an infant.

Adopting an Infant Internationally

Adopting an Infant Through Foster Care

Adopting an Infant with a Private Agency

Adopting an Infant with a Private Attorney

Adopting an Infant Internationally can be challenging depending on your vision and the requirements from each country.  Some countries can require specific criteria such as a certain Body Mass Index, income requirements, contact or lack thereof after the placement, and multiple trips to the country to complete the process.  Typically infant adoption can take so long that the child is no longer an infant at the time of actual placement. Additionally it is important to note that there often times is not a risk sharing policy with these agencies, which means if something falls through you will lose your investment no matter how far into the process you are with that country or opportunity. 

Adopting an Infant Through Foster Care can also be challenging to achieve depending on the individual situation with the biological family's legal rights to the child.  For example, in the state of Arkansas you are warned that even if the child is placed in your home at the time of birth that it could take up to 5 years for the child to be legally adoptable. At that time you would be allowed to apply to adopt the child.  The costs to adopt a child from the foster care system tends to be free or around $5K depending on your attorney’s costs.  

Adopting an Infant with a Private Agency is less challenging to achieve but involves a tremendous amount more in costs.  Each agency will have its own process and requirements for adopting a baby through their agency. Typically you have a mountain of paperwork to complete and several important background check type steps that include everything from state and federal background checks, interviews with friends and family as references, and medical approvals.  The cost to adopt a child from a private agency can be as little as $10K to as much as $100K depending on the budget you set and the agency costs. When you are picking an agency be sure to ask about their risk sharing costs, that is important to know how to protect your investment through this process. 

Adopting an Infant with a Private Attorney is moderately challenging to achieve depending on the attorney  you partner with to adopt a baby. The timeline with private attorneys tends to be a bit longer as they do not have the advertising reach to work with birth mothers that are placing their children for adoption.  In fact many private attorneys will tell you to try to find a birth mother yourself, typically through social media or working with local OB/GYNs to make them aware of your desire to adopt. No matter which route you get matched with a child you will need a private attorney to make it legal.  This route typically costs about $5-20K depending on the birth parents situation and the laws in the state where finalization of the adoption will occur. This option tends to have the least amount of risk sharing, meaning if there is a disruption of any kind the investment is typically lost. 

Options to Adopt an Older Child

Adopting an older child has multiple options too: international adoption or adopting from foster care are the most typical of these options.

Adopting an Older Child Internationally 

Adopting an Older Child from Foster Care

Adopting an Older Child Internationally is pretty similar to adopting an infant internationally but tends to have a higher success rate.  The process overall is similar as it relates to background checks, travel requirements and often times the cost. The main difference is that often times you can adopt a bit faster if you are adopting an older child as there tend to be children waiting for the opportunity to be adopted.  You will still need to investigate the risk sharing opportunities here as well since countries can often times change their minds during the process.  

Adopting an Older Child from Foster Care this path can be the fastest and most affordable adoption option that exists.  There are children that you can apply to adopt today who are waiting for loving homes. The costs for adopting an older child from foster care can be $0 depending on the state you live in and the children available for adoption.  The wait time to adopt an older child from foster care will be much shorter than adopting a baby from foster care as typically the parental rights have been terminated which will move the process along faster. To accomplish adopting an older child from foster care you will need to pass the background checks, work with the foster care agency to find a good match for both you and the child and potentially even do a few trial visits before determining if this is going to be a good forever match for you and the child.  

To recap there are 7 Ways to Adopt A Child

  1. Embryo Adoption

  2. Adopting an Infant Internationally

  3. Adopting an Infant Through Foster Care

  4. Adopting an Infant with a Private Agency

  5. Adopting an Infant with a Private Attorney

  6. Adopting an Older Child Internationally 

  7. Adopting an Older Child from Foster Care

Now that you are more familiar with the private agency options the next step is to review the other 6 options and pick a path that matches your vision for your life.  And if you haven’t done my vision casting exercise make sure to head back to sign up to receive the Steps to Adoption free download to work through the vision casting exercise. 

I know that picking a path from these options can be confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.  Let’s work together through your adoption process. You need someone that will be in your corner each step of the way.  If you are interested in learning more, you can schedule a free call.

Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey