Adoption Profile Mistakes: Agency, Attorney, or Consultant Matching Edition

Adoption Profile Mistakes - Agency, Attorney, or Consultant Matching Edition

If you are matching with an adoption agency, adoption attorney, or consultant, you probably feel like they are doing all of the hard work when it comes to matching you and that your adoption profile is just one piece of the puzzle. But deep down inside, I think you know how important your profile is, but you might be a little scared to admit it. You may feel unsure if your profile is good or even worse, you might be worried that your profile is not good enough. We all want to know what to say and what not to say to have the best adoption profile possible.

Keep reading as I walk you through 3 things not to say in your adoption profile when you are matching with an adoption agency, adoption attorney, or consultant.

Those 3 things are:

  1. Everything! Telling too much of your life story and cluttering your profile

  2. Don’t dwell on past problems

  3. Make false promises - something you don’t intend to fulfill

Everything! Telling too much of your life story and cluttering your profile

The first thing not to in your adoption profile say is, well, everything! One of the most common mistakes I find in adoption profiles is sharing too much too fast! Some profiles become a word vomit. As you answer each question, ensure you organize and contain your answers. Make sure you're getting the right level of information when you're just providing the answers to a list of questions. 

Don’t dwell on past problems

The second thing is dwelling on past problems. Again, I believe you should share your entire story and not sugarcoat things, but there is a fine line in giving her your baggage. That makes you unattractive to her because her brain will say, no, I have my own problems to deal with, and I don’t need yours. 

Make false promises - something you don’t intend to fulfill

The third thing is making false promises. This is also known as the BS factor. Starting a relationship off on the wrong foot doesn’t show respect. Ensure you don’t overpromise yourself in your adoption profile and stay within your boundaries. 

As you are creating your adoption profile, remember that the work is ultimately up to you, and it is your story to share. The biggest mistake at a macro level that I see a lot for hopeful adoptive families is that they put their adoption profile into the hands of people that are matching experts or that are experts at really facilitating adoptions but that aren't profile experts. They don't understand the messaging that needs to be shared and in what sequential order it needs to be shared with expectant parents so that they can make sure that they're giving you the best possible opportunity to match An adoption profile is a piece or a part of their process. It is not their zone of genius or zone of focus, as it is for those others of us in this industry. Therefore, it's important that you pay special attention to each step in the process and get the support you need during those steps. 

Need Adoption Profile Support?

I hope you found this helpful and have a better insight into what not to say in your adoption profile. If you want a simple step-by-step process to avoid these mistakes, you should join the free profile training I am hosting. I am going to walk you through the plan to avoid these mistakes and show you what my 1:1 clients do to ultimately be successful in reaching their goal of becoming adoptive parents. During the training, you will be able to ask me any questions you have about your adoption profile. Click here to get signed up for your seat.

Remember, anything is possible with the right plan and support, and I am here with you every step of the way.


Hi, I Am Amanda

I am an adoption profile expert on a mission to help you create and share your family's story more affordably!

Amanda Koval