My Adoption Coach

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Adoption Self-Matching Process Step 2 Creating and Sharing Your Adoption Profile

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 Are you self-matching your adoption but not sure what to do when it comes to your profile? Well, you are in for a real treat today friend because creating and editing profiles is my zone of genius according to my clients. And that is exactly what we are covering in today’s blog post.

In this blog post, we are focused on phase two of the four phases of self-matching your adoption … learning to market your family.  

You know that this is my zone of genius because it is what I do for a day job for well over 20 years (yep, its totally ok to Linkedin stalk me people do it all the time) and my background in marketing and BS/MA in journalism are what helped me match so fast in our adoption journeys.  

Let's have a quick chat about your adoption profile. When it comes to self-matching your adoption, your profile is really considered anything that you share about your family with potential expected families. It doesn't have to actually be just a book, it can be social media, post on a website, a video, etc. There are tons of different things and tools that you can really use to share about your family. 

One thing that I walk my clients through is really getting clear on how you're going to share your profile so that you can determine what types of profile elements that you really need. 

Marketing is what your profile is all about. You're telling the story of your family. In telling the story of your family, you've got to be super intentional about what you're sharing. Intentional does not mean deceitful or dishonest. It means really sharing exactly what she needs to know about you to the level of depth and detail that she needs to know so she can clearly understand how this child's life will look like within your family. 

This is what I concentrate on with my one-to-one clients. It makes a huge difference to have someone whose literal day job is marketing, and who has helped hundreds of others through their own journey that matched super fast in their own journey helping you. 

I have real tangible processes and things that we use like the clarity builder system, where I teach you how to get clear on the story that you're telling. I also teach the compelling stories framework where I teach you how to look at it from her perspective to make sure the message you’re sharing is something she would actually care about. Finally, I share the emotional connection builder where I teach you the science behind your story and how to write your story in a way that is easily understood by your perspective expectant mother. 

All of these things are things that are based on art and science and it's what I've used over the past several years to help my clients and what I used for my own adoption journey. 

At this point, you're either wondering what marketing has to do with self-matching? Or you're like, yep, I get it, sister, I am all in. If you're wondering what marketing has to do with your family, let's take a second to discuss that. Marketing is basic communication, right? You're sharing a message with your intended audience because you want them to take the desired action. 

In this case, your intended audience is expected parents and your desired action is for them to get to know you better not for them to actually choose you. You want them to clearly understand who you are so they can determine whether or not you're the right vision that they have for this child's life. 

The whole goal of what you're trying to do through the matching process is to share your vision of what this child's life is like. 

I know a lot of people feel a little achy when they hear the word marketing, but you could also replace it with storytelling because you want to tell the authentic story of your family in a way that she clearly sees and clearly understands. 

Matching is a little bit marketing and it’s also a little bit storytelling. Because I have a bachelor's and master's in journalism, and I've worked in marketing for well over 20 years, that's the reason why I'm so qualified to teach you how to match through sharing your authentic story. 

Steps to Creating Your Adoption Profile

Step 1: Determine how you’re going to share your profile

The very first question that you need to ask yourself is where are you going to share this profile? That is going to give you clues as to how you need to create or what you need to create for your profile. 

If you're going to share it in real life, then you might need to create a brochure over a profile book because you want to give her a resource that she can easily slip into her bag that is a little bit more discreet carrying around this big chunky book with you. Maybe you're going to share it on social media and so you're thinking that video makes the most sense. 

Maybe when it comes to video, you're thinking through like, do I want to sit down and do like this big interview, or do I just want to like film us cooking together or playing in the backyard with a dog (or something along those lines)? 

So, the first step is to think through how you're going to share what is most authentic to you. That will tell you what profile elements or what content that you need to create within those elements. 

Step 2: Create your profile

The second step is to create your actual profile. Make a list of what you need to do and be intentional about it. If you need free training on all of this and the steps in between, check out my free profile training masterclass. This training will walk you through the framework and steps to bring everything together for your profile. 

Step 3: Share your profile

The third and final step is to share your profile. This seems pretty intuitive on the surface, but it does take a lot of art and science too. Not only do you want to share it with intention, but you also want to track the analytics behind what you’re sharing to make sure you’re optimizing your content where you need to. 

You're listening for clues for your within your audience when you’re looking at your analytics for social media. 

I know that this is kind of maybe a little overwhelming, but remember I always have additional resources for you to break things down step by step. 

Additional resources to help you self-match your adoption

The Ultimate Guide to Self-Matching Your Adoption 

If you want to learn more intentionally about how to self-match adoption, don't forget to check The Ultimate Guide to Self-Matching your Adoption. It is an affordable program that walks you through the step-by-step process with all of the details on exactly what to do in each step. 

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Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey