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Create An Adoption Profile That Stands Out From the Crowd

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Create An Adoption Profile That Stands Out From the Crowd

I remember being where you are right now, worrying that I said the wrong thing in my adoption profile and that we were never going to be picked by an expectant parent to adopt her baby. We were just lost in the sea of hopeful adoptive parents, just waiting our turn in a never-ending line. 

I think we all want her to see the love we have for her and her child and feel confident that this child will have a great life with us, am I right? That is what we will focus on in today’s blog post. Keep reading to learn three tips to help your family stand out from the crowd with your adoption profile, no matter which way you are matching. 

First tip: be clear on your story. 

If you confuse, you lose. I teach my clients how to do this through the adoption profile clarity builder system, where I teach you how to tell their story clearly and compellingly. But, first, you need to make the core tenets of your family clear, which is something that comes through inside your profile.

The second tip: tell your story compellingly. 

I believe there is the right match for everyone and clearly telling your story is only part of the equation. It must also be a story that is compelling to her. It has to be something that she agrees is part of the life she envisions for this child. 

You are likely thinking, I don’t know how to do that but don’t worry, I can teach you through the create compelling stories framework. Inside the framework, I teach you how to tell your authentic vision for this child’s life in a way that an expectant mother will find compelling if that is the vision she shares for this child’s life. 

I trust you are loving these tips, and if you are, you would love to learn live with me, so make sure you sign up for the next time I host a live training. 

The third tip: create an emotional connection.

The real key to standing out from the crowd is making an emotional connection. The harsh truth is that you have about three seconds, if you are lucky, for someone to stop and engage with your profile. But you need more than engagement to match. You need a connection. She won’t engage with you if she is sorting through tons of different information. 

She needs to quickly see the life she wants for this child through her own eyes by the words, photos, and videos you are sharing in your profile. So there is a real art and science that you need to understand here. I teach my clients how to use the emotional connection builder framework to structure their profile in a way that helps expectant parents clearly see the life they want for this child will be provided by the HAPs. This is where art and science meet my expertise in creating and telling stories from my 20+ years in marketing for some of the largest brands in the world helps my clients in their adoption profile creation process.

It’s Time to Out from the Crowd

So there you have it, folks, three tips to help your adoption profile stand out from the crowd. Just a quick recap for you:

  1. Be clear about the story

  2. Tell it in a compelling way

  3. Create an emotional connection

I trust that you have found this valuable today, and if you would like more information, don’t forget to click here to attend my next live training session. Remember, anything is possible with the right plan and support, and I am there with you every step of the way. You can also reach me on my Facebook Group if you need something answered right away. Talk to you soon, friend. 

Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey