How To Match Your Adoption Faster

How To Match Your Adoption Faster

Are you tired of waiting to match and want to do everything that you ethically can to match your private domestic adoption faster? I know that most hopeful adoptive parents I talk with want me to give them the step-by-step process to follow to match their adoptions faster. While I will never promise you will be able to adopt in a certain period of time, I am going to share with you the steps that my 1:1 clients take to match their adoption faster no matter if they are using an agency, attorney, consultant or self-matching

Before we dive in, I want to remind you that no one’s adoption journey is one size fits all and that I never promise a timeline regarding the speed of your adoption journey. So instead, I am going to share what my clients who match faster do that I believe helps them be chosen faster, and we are going to share what my clients do that match faster.

Here are 7 Tips for Matching Your Adoption Faster


  1. Be highly motivated and accountable

  2. Get the right partners

  3. Have a high-quality adoption profile

  4. Take consistent action to share your profile

  5. Visualize their success and live their profile on a daily basis

  6. Monitor their analytics

  7. Tweak as needed

Tip One: Be highly motivated and accountable

You have to be highly motivated and accountable to yourself in pursuing this adoption journey. If you are someone that just wants to write a check and forget it, then you need just to set your expectations that it's going to take you a little bit longer to match. There is no exact science, and you can’t just work with an agency and let them do everything and wait for the opportunity to come to you. For perspective, you may match in nine months versus four months if you’re doing it yourself. There is no prescribed timeline because there's no one-size-fits-all journey here. But if you are treating this as a primary responsibility, in so much that you are writing out a plan of action and your working that you are going to have a more peaceful journey because you're going to feel grounded and centered that you're doing everything you can in your power, but to you just simply will have a faster adoption journey. When I meet up with clients who have been on their adoption journey for a while and have been kind of letting it go on autopilot. That is one of the key themes. That's the common thread for someone that's been matching for a while; they've left it on autopilot. Now, I fully recognize that it can swing the other way in a heartbeat, and it can become something that is unhealthy and something that can be easily obsessed over. But that's why creating a plan and working on your plan will help you keep that in check. 

Tip Two: Get the right partners

The second tip is to ensure that you have the right partners at the right stages. There are different adoption partners, even if you're self-matching, that you can bring in to help you along in your journey, like an adoption profile expert. We all know that the quality of your adoption profile plays a part in the overall speed of your adoption journey, but other people can also help you in your adoption journey. For example, if you are self-matching, you can work with people like Stephanie at Adoption and Beyond. She can help vet those opportunities for you that are coming in. 

Tip Three: Have a high-quality adoption profile

The third tip for matching your adoption faster is that the quality of your profile matters and makes a huge difference. If you've been reading the past few blogs, you know that I'm a firm believer in getting the clutter out of the way and making it very easy for someone to get to know you. If you are not doing that in your adoption profile, people will pass you up because their brain doesn't want to work harder to understand who you are when they've got a whole list of other people to consider.

Tip Four: Take consistent action to share their profile

The consistent action here is to share your adoption profile. If you are not taking consistent action to share your adoption profile, it will take you longer to match. If you are putting your adoption journey squarely in the hands of the adoption agency and hoping that their adoption outreach and social media advertising will drive the right person in to see your profile, then fine if that is what works for you. But don't sit around and worry and wonder when the phone call will come unless you are taking consistent action. When you're taking consistent action, you don't have to worry and wonder because you'll have peace of mind that you are doing the next right thing to get picked. 

Tip Five: Visualize their success and live their profile on a daily basis

My clients that visualize success achieve success. In this situation, success for them is achieving their goal of becoming adoptive parents. Now, I know for some of you out there, you may be like, what, what in the world are you talking about? If you've been around me for a minute, you know I'm a little woo-woo. I firmly believe in the power of manifestation and that if you bring good energy into your life and share that with others, that loop will continue. Does that mean that everything's going to be sunshine and roses? No, it's not that it's just not how life is. We all know that, especially those of us on the adoption journey, right. But I do see that my clients just generally find a way to be at peace and know that it's going to happen, and are the clients that find success. 

Tip Six: Monitor their analytics

The sixth tip for matching your adoption faster is to pay attention to the analytics. Now, I know this may feel as foreign as the woo-woo concept of visualizing the success of your adoption, but if you're not paying attention to the analytics, how will you know who's engaging with your adoption profile? Is it more or less than last month? If you're not digging into that level of detail, you're doing yourself a disservice when you're sharing your adoption profile. The analytics will give you a kind of a point to whether or not your profile is being seen more often. It will provide you with a sense of grounding, just over time to ensure that you're doing everything you can to share your profile to ultimately match your adoption. 

Tip Seven: Tweak as needed

The final tip for matching your adoption fasters is not to be afraid to tweak your profile. Don’t be afraid to tweak the way you are sharing your profile. Be open to tweaking what adoption partners you work with and focus on what you can do better. Take time to write that plan out, put that plan in motion, analyze its results, and then make updates as necessary. This whole adage is like bringing your growth mindset into your adoption journey. Again, I'm not saying that you completely overhaul every single thing every month because there's no way you'll know what's working at that stage. I'm also not telling you to spend 10s of 1000s of dollars to work with all of these different adoption partners when you don't need to. Instead, figure out what's troubling you and see if you can solve it on your own. Or, if you need a little professional help, don’t be afraid to bring that person in to help you along. 

Well, there are seven tips to help you match your adoption faster. I trust that you have found value in today’s blog, and if you have, I know you would love the free adoption profile training.  Remember, anything is possible with the right plan and support, and I am here with you every step of the way. I invite you also to join my Facebook Community, where we can connect, and you can ask any questions you may have about matching your adoption faster.


Hi, I Am Amanda

I am an adoption profile expert on a mission to help you create and share your family's story more affordably!

Amanda Koval