How To Use Video To Adopt A Baby Faster

How To Use Video In An Adoption Profile.png

Standing out in the sea of families waiting to adopt can be super tricky.  There is nothing easy about trying to adopt a newborn through domestic infant adoption. If you are trying to find your expectant mother to either adopt privately with an attorney or if you are trying to find your match despite working with an adoption agency or consultant, things can be even more complicated.  

It can be even more challenging to use the same posting strategy as everyone else or even worse if you don’t have a posting strategy for what you share on social media. I know this might all sound a little bit greek when you start, but having a foundational understanding of marketing techniques and best practices will give you a huge leg up in your journey.

Now at this point, you might be freaking out a bit, worrying that you don’t have a marketing background, and that means you will never find a match.  Don’t worry, I have got you covered. Helping translate traditional marketing practices into real-world applications for the adoption community is my jam.  After all, I have 20 years of experience on some of the world’s largest brands that I share with you. I teach this content to my students in-depth inside my programs.  You can click the link below to be notified the next time I open the doors again.

Or you could be thinking marketing shouldn’t apply in the adoption journey.  Let me be super clear about this, marketing applies to everything you do in life.  I am not talking about making yourself/family into some fake version of a Norman Rockwell painting to get matched.  No, not at all.  I believe just the opposite. If you are authentically and uniquely yourself, you will create a deeper connection with an expectant mother much faster than if you are busy being some perfect version of yourself.  

Social Media Strategies for Find An Expectant Mother

Leveraging social media marketing strategies will help you create a plan to stand out from the sea of waiting families.  This boils down to creating a plan of where you will post, what type of content you will post, measuring the engagement you get on the content you are sharing, and optimizing your content to drive future engagement.  

Determining what content you will create and how you will share it is the first step in creating your social media strategy to help you find an expectant mother to match private domestic infant adoption.  The two main types of social media content would be a static post with copy and images or video.  

Video is a powerful tool to help you find an expectant mother.

Video is a key example of a type of content that can share to create engagement to help you adopt a baby faster.  In fact, according to this article 54% of people report liking to see video as a type of content they want to see from a brand they support. Fundamental human nature is that you are more likely to recall what you hear vs. what you read.  And video has twice the engagement rate as just images and text, which is a huge deal when you are trying to get an expectant mother to engage with you. 

Why Creating An Adoption Video Is Important

Video has the power to humanize you and tell your story in a much deeper way than a static image can.  It can give much more depth to the story you share, even if it is just a video with you directly looking into the camera with no other images incorporated into it.  The Marketing Profs put it well this way, “authentic delivery and situations convey credibility and legitimacy.”  That is the entire goal you are trying to achieve here, conveying credibility to an expectant mother.  She doesn't know who you are or who you say you are, but there is something about sharing your truth directly to a video camera that makes you seem more real, more credible, and legitimate.  

Where To Share Your Adoption Video

Now that we have talked about why video is important in adopting a newborn through domestic adoption, let’s shift to where you should share your video.  Since we are focused on social media in this post, I think the answers will be pretty self-explanatory, Facebook and Instagram.  However, there are a few different options to share videos within both platforms that will get you more exposure than others.

Let's talk about Facebook first; within this platform, I would suggest that you share videos to your Hoping To Adopt page and within groups that post-adoption opportunities.  Stories are another option but are an only good use of your time if you have expectant mothers following you on Facebook.  Thus, I would stick to just the groups and your Facebook page and spend your time on other platforms. 

Instagram is a platform where I would spend more time to try to gain the right type of followers and share videos more frequently.  Reels, stories, and your main feed should work together as a cohesive unit to attract your ideal expectant mother.  Instagram’s algorithm is designed to show your account to more people like your followers.  So while it is very tempting to ask all your friends and family members to follow your account, that can be one of the biggest mistakes.  You may think, well then, how in the world to get expectant mothers to follow me?  I go into depth in my profile course and give you the step-by-step; it is easier than you think!  Click the link below to get on the waiting list.

What Should I Include In My Adoption Profile Video

So at this point, you may be wondering what I put in a video that I share on a post or my Facebook or Instagram accounts.  When you share a video on your regular profiles, you want to focus on the ordinary things about your life. Your ideal expectant mother wants to get to know you on a more in-depth basis, so seeing you going for a walk with the dog, cooking dinner, doing a home improvement project, or playing with your nieces and nephews are all great things to capture and share.  When you respond to a post about a potential adoption opportunity, you must speak from the heart and share your authentic story. I share a couple of example scripts that my students use inside my course.

How to Make an Adoption Profile Video

There are a few basic easy tips to follow to create a high-quality video straight from your phone. Since video is a visual and audio medium, it is essential that people can see and hear you. It is important to note that you do not need a fancy camera. I would use your cell phone to record these videos. Keeping it as simple as to do is key to you doing this on a more regular basis.

Choose to stand near a window with good natural light, or if you are filming at night, you can just be in a brightly lit room. If you want to take things up a notch, you could get a tripod and a ring light. For a total of $40, you can look super professional. 

Audio is an essential part of your video but again, keeping it super simple is critical. You don’t need to get external microphones and be super fancy. Instead, I would focus on the basics of making sure that you can be heard. There are no distracting background noises, and that you are speaking loud enough to be heard on the video. 

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the importance of video, share your video, and create a video to help you in your adoption journey. Adopting a child through domestic private adoption can be challenging, but I am here to help you through the process step-by-step. 

You can do this, and I have got your back



Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey

Amanda Koval