Seven Types of Private Adoption
Seven Types of Private Adoption
Seven Types of Private Adoption
Are you just starting your adoption journey and trying to figure out what type of adoption is right for you? If so, you are likely confused about all the different types of adoption and maybe even looking for some information about each one so you can pick the right one for you. Stick around because that is what we are talking about today.
There are seven types of private adoption that we will cover today. This will be just a high-level overview, but if you are looking for a deeper dive or to get help with choosing the right one for you, then check out The Adoption Matching Formula, where I walk you through the step-by-step process of choosing which type of adoption is right for you.
International Adoption:
International Adoption means adopting a child from another country outside the United States. This type of adoption is the most unique compared to the others that we will cover today because it is governed by a different set of laws than those that happen domestically, and those laws vary between countries. Also, each country has different requirements in addition to the law.
5 key differences between international and domestic private adoption:
Some require you to stay there for a certain period of time
While others have restrictions on health criteria and will require a different type of physical than what a domestic adoption requires
There are different types of home studies required for international adoption
You typically don’t need a traditional adoption profile
You need a different type of adoption attorney to help you with international adoption
Here is a great article explaining more about international adoption. Before we dive into types 2-7, I want to encourage you not to be overwhelmed by all the information I am sharing with you, just listen and maybe take a few notes. Or if you are ready to cut through the overwhelm and quickly figure it out, I mean in the matter of a few hours, what type of adoption is right for you, then head on over to Find My Match on my website and I have a resource there that will help you figure out what method of adoption is right for you!
Now let’s talk about types 2-7, which are all domestic adoptions. Domestic adoption means an adoption from the United States.
Adopting from Foster Care
There are technically two forms of foster care adoption. There is Foster Care adoption, where you are adopting a child whose parental rights have been terminated by the court. Then there is foster to adopt, which means you care for the child before their biological parent’s rights have been terminated. Since the goal of foster care is to reunify children with their biological families, you do not know if a child will ultimately be available for adoption during the process.
Common foster care misconceptions
All foster care adoptions are of children who are much older
Special needs or drug exposures
That it is always “free” to adopt this way
That this is an easier route
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions when adopting through foster care.
How long does foster care adoption take? It varies depending on state and situation; can start from birth but can take years.
What is the cost of foster care adoption? It can cost anywhere from free to $5k. This does not include the cost to care for the child while they are still in foster care.
What are the requirements? Like typical adoptions a home study is required. There will also be extra education, visits with the biological parents, additional check-ins with the state for medical/legal, and social work visits.
What does contact after finalization look like? Very little if any, however you can petition to what you feel is best for the child.
Agency Adoption:
An adoption agency is a company that is either a for-profit or non-profit business, whose job is to connect expectant parents with hopeful adoptive parents. They provide all the services expectant mothers and hopefule adoptive parents need to complete the adoption. Everything from matching to supporting the EM and ultimately finalization of the adoption from a legal perspective.
Agency Adoption Misconceptions:
That all agency adoptions are smooth
Agency adoptions cost 50K plus
Easy path
Agency Adoption Facts:
National and state-wide agencies
Some have requirements around religion, where you live, and even sexual orientation
Some offer insurance against disruptions others don’t
Each has a different set of rules
Some require you to pay fully upfront, and others offer a pay-as-you-go model.
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions when adopting through an agency.
How long does an agency adoption take? According to, 60% of them are done in a year.
What is the cost of an agency adoption? According to, the average cost is $41,000.
What does contact after finalization look like? You can determine what you feel is best and request it from the expectant parents, but they do have to agree to it.
Adoption Attorney
Adopting with an attorney means an attorney has a pool or a list of expectant mothers that they are pairing with hopeful adoptive families. The attorney is doing the legwork and finding the families in this option rather than you finding the expectant mother, which is the main difference between this and self-matching.
Adoption Attorney Misconceptions
Not all attorneys have a pool of people to match with
Less costly, it all depends on the situation
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions when adopting through an attorney.
How long does an attorney adoption take? According to, 60% of families will adopt in about a year.
What is the cost of an attorney adoption? According to, the average cost is about $35,000.
What does contact after finalization look like? You can determine what you feel is best and request it from the expectant parents, but they do have to agree to it.
Adoption Consultant
Matching via a consultant is when an adoption consultant represents your family to a bunch of different adoption agencies. They’re going to work with an average of 10-15 (maybe even more) adoption agencies. They will share your profile and requirements to see if they have a match that would be good for you.
Adoption Consultant Misconceptions
More Expensive
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions when adopting through a consultant.
How long does a consultant adoption take? It can take anywhere from 6-12 months.
What is the cost of a consultant adoption? The average cost is anywhere from $10-15k, in addition to the matching fees with the agency.
What are the requirements? You have to sign a contract that you will work with them and not go around them to another agency.
What does contact after finalization look like? You can determine what you feel is best and request it from the expectant parents, but they do have to agree to it.
Private Adoption, Independent Adoption, Self-Match Adoption
The sixth type of private adoption here in the US is something slightly different than what we've been talking about this far. And that would be called private adoption, self-matching, or independent adoption. No matter what you call it, this is when you are finding expectant parents to match with on your own. I know that may sound really crazy and overwhelming, like how would I even find these people? How do I even know what to say to these people, but take a big deep breath, I help people through that all the time. It doesn't have to be overwhelming. You can actually match with people in real life, through digital and social media. And those opportunities can be really impactful for forming a deeper lasting relationship, or for having no contact at all, after the adoption process has ended.
Private, Independent, and Self-match Adoption Misconceptions
Cheaper form of adoption
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions for private, independent, and self-match adoption.
How long does a self-matching adoption take? It can take anywhere from 6 months to 1+ years.
What is the cost of a self-matching adoption? The average cost is $5,000-20,000.
What does contact after finalization look like? You can determine what you feel is best and request it from the expectant parents, but they do have to agree to it.
Embryo Adoption
According to, embryo adoption is a form of adoption that allows the adoptive mother to carry her genetically unrelated child and experience pregnancy and delivery. Rather than adopting an infant that is already born, adoptive parents begin the process nine months earlier by adopting a frozen embryo donated by a couple who has been through in-vitro fertilization.
Embryo Adoption Misconceptions
Doesn’t have to rely on you as the carrier of the embryo could use a surrogate
Most embryo banks still require you to have a home study, profile, and have some sort of contact with the biological family after the birth
Let me answer some of the most commonly asked questions for embryo adoption.
How long does embryo adoption take? Typically takes between 6-12 months to be approved, then add in the time to get on the calendar and take the necessary steps to be ready for transfer then the typical pregnancy time. As with any embryo transfer there are no guarantees it will take. You can typically adopt multiple embryos from one genetic source if you plan to have multiple children.
What is the cost of embryo adoption? Fees range from $5-20K plus the cost of the frozen embryo transfer cycle from your fertility clinic. Most insurance companies will cover the pregnancy but there are a few who don’t so be sure to verify.
Learn More About the 7 Types Of Private Adoption
There you have it, the 7 Types Of Private Adoption:
International Adoption
Foster Care
Agency Adoption
Adoption Attorney
Private Adoption, Independent Adoption, Self-Match Adoption
Embryo Adoption
I hope that this post was helpful and gave you the foundational groundwork for what you need to know. Now inside that resource over at my adoption, I have a video that breaks down in a very clear and linear way for each of the seven different types of adoption, and the general facts, the misconceptions, and the things that myself and my over 1000 clients have learned over the past several years after they have pursued and ultimately been successful with each type of those adoptions also give you some things and red flags to watch out for on each one. I help you break it down to understand what is the right type of adoption for you, and then we walk through actually making those dreams become a reality.
So, don't feel overwhelmed, head on over to my website and Facebook group so that you can get the resources that you need to help you get started on your adoption journey today. Remember, anything's possible with the right plan and support, and I'm only an email away. I'll see you soon friends.