Adoption Profile Ads

Adoption Profile Ads

If you are trying to adopt a baby, chances are you have wondered how you can get more people to see your profile. It doesn’t matter if you are working with an agency, a consultant, or self-matching. You know that the more people who see your profile, the better your chances of being picked. In this blog, I will give you an overview of adoption profile ads, which can increase the number of eyes that view your profile online. We will talk about what paid ads are, why you should consider using them, and what my clients are seeing success in their adoption journeys.  

I think we all just want that magic formula, show your profile to X many people, and based on the law of averages, you will get picked, am I right? We all know that it doesn’t quite go that way, but it is true that the more people that see your profile, the better chances you have of being picked. So today, I will share with you the proven process that my clients have followed to share their profiles more and get chosen by expectant parents. First, let’s take a closer look at what exactly adoption advertising is. 

What are paid ads for adoption?

Adoption ads are a way to share your online adoption profile through a paid advertising method. You are paying a third-party company money to share your profile. When you're sharing your profile, you could be sharing your Facebook profile or sharing a link to your interactive profile book. When it comes to ads, you could be sharing all kinds of different things. 

Why use paid ads for social media?

You may be wondering why you should even do adoption profile ads, and it comes down to getting more eyes on your profile. Think of it as part of your advertising or marketing adoption plans. Part of that is understanding that the more people that see your profile, the greater opportunity you have for matching. Even if they're not the person who is considering placing a child, they may know someone who is. 

For example, one of my clients who is using social media ads received a message from someone that said, my sister is considering placing her child for adoption, and I think you're a great fit. So the conversation starts, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it's the person that's considering placing, but it could also be just in the know. So your goal behind using paid ads is just to spread the word more.

How do adoption ads help you in your journey?

As I touched on above, adoption ads help get more eyes on your adoption profile. You can do this without paid ads by asking your friends and family to share about it online. That will help further your reach, but your network and their network will only get you so far. This is where paid ads come in. Paid ads will increase that reach, which increases the number of people seeing them.

Can you even use paid ads?

It should be noted that paid ads are illegal in some states. If you are unsure about the laws in your state, I have a free resource in my Facebook Group that can help you determine the specifics for your state. Again, I'm not an adoption attorney. My advice should never be substituted for actual legal advice. You should always consult an attorney.

Types of paid ads for adoption

Now let's talk about the different types of paid ads that most hopeful adoptive families are using and what is most common for adoption.

The first would be social media ads. More specifically, Facebook and Instagram ads. You should be using Instagram and Facebook. And actually in the reverse order. Facebook is more important than Instagram. I have families who use ads on social media who got matched through their ads. 

The other option of paid ads is Google ads. The Google algorithm is different than the Facebook algorithm. You need to really understand that you need to choose what is best suited for you, whether you do Google or social media ads. I can tell you between the two that my clients who have used Google ads have not matched. They have spent somewhere between $3,000 to $10,000 on Google ads. I'm not saying that Google Ads never work; they certainly do. But you compete with adoption agencies much more fiercely on Google than on Facebook. 

That's the reason why my clients are seeing more success within Facebook. Could that change, of course. But as of now, I highly do not suggest Google ads. If you're going to consider ads, you need to be considering social media apps. I hope you have found this post helpful, at least to give you a baseline understanding of the different types of ads and why you would use them. 

Remember, anything's possible with the right plan and support. Check out the other videos, podcast episodes, and blogs because they will help you every step of the way. As always, I have your back through it all. 


Hi, I Am Amanda

I am an adoption profile expert on a mission to help you create and share your family's story more affordably!

Amanda Koval