Are Adoption Profile Books Dead

Adoption Profile Book For Independent Adoption

Are adoption profile books dead? I know that might sound a little out of the ordinary and likely flies in the face of everything you think about when it comes to adoption profiles, but it’s time we start using profiles that are fit to the way we are sharing our lives with our friends and family. Don’t worry, I have a solution for you to easily create a beautiful adoption profile to share with expectant parents.

Are Adoption Profile Books Still Relevant?

I know that adoption profiles can be very frustrating because you might be unsure if you need a book anymore and if you do need a book, it likely feels a little scary and hard to complete. I mean, how do you convey all of the love you have to offer a child inside a few pages, right? But more than anything, you just don’t want this profile book to be a giant waste of time because who knows if expectant parents will see the actual book?  

So that is what we will focus on today. What is the correct type of profile to create, and should it include a book or not? My answer might be a little surprising!

Make Your Adoption Profile Easily Accessible

I think the traditional old-school printed profile book is dead. I know that this is likely a little controversial, but hear me out here, friend. Instead, I think someone wants to get to know your family on their terms and in their own time. Also, in this social media-driven world, people want to get information in the palm of their hands. So while there is still a role for a printed profile, I don’t think the traditional 20-page book that you see from most agencies and profile book companies are true to how society lives today.

Thus, I think you need to do something a little different. I propose that we focus on creating a combination of all mobile-friendly things. So yes, I still have a profile book but think of it in a smaller format. Think of the profile as a combination of things. Of course, social media is something you need, and I have many other videos and podcasts about that, so feel free to check those out if you want to learn more about that.  

Printed Version of Your Adoption Profile

The other elements that I think you need are a brochure, an adoption booklet of about ten pages, and of course, a website and video. However, we will talk more about those in another video and podcast.

So when it comes to an adoption brochure and booklet, you may be wondering what the differences are and when to use them. Now, I know that there are some real-world applications for all of these because they could be easily handed out to people. However, since you know that we live in a society that wants access to information that fits in the palm of our hands, we want our profile to be friendly to that too!

A brochure is an excellent solution because it is naturally vertical in nature and doesn’t require as much pinching to zoom in and scroll side to side to see everything. When it comes to an adoption booklet, we should create a pdf that can be easily viewed on someone’s phone.  

Get the Help You Deserve with Creating Your Adoption Profile Book

Don’t worry! It doesn’t have to be something hard to accomplish, friend. It is possible to make these pages sing of the love you already have for this child. I have some amazing templates that you can use or can create it for you, which you can learn more about here

I want you to walk away from reading this article knowing that creating your profile doesn’t have to be complicated. So if you feel that way, reach out to me, friend, promise? Seriously I mean it, you can drop me a comment below, find me in the My Adoption Coach Group.  

After all, anything is possible with the right plan and support, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.  


Hi, I Am Amanda

I help women build their families through adoption by giving them the step by step guide to adopt a child and support them on their journey