Posts in How To Self Match
Create An Adoption Profile That Stands Out From the Crowd

The quality of your adoption profile will have a significant impact on the speed and success of your overall adoption process, no matter if you are using an adoption agency, self-matching your adoption, independently matching your adoption, or using an adoption consultant. Expectant parents, or birth parents, must clearly see who you are as a family in your adoption profile, adoption video, adoption Facebook page, and even in your adoption profile book to pick you. This content focuses on helping you get clear on what you share in your adoption profile.

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5 Things That Adoption Profiles That Get Picked Have In Common

When you are trying to adopt a baby through private domestic adoption, your adoption profile is your one chance to communicate with expectant parents or birth parents that are considering placing their child for adoption. I have spent hundreds of hours interviewing birth parents to determine what helped them choose one hopeful adoptive family over another, and that is what we are going to review today. The top five things that helped adoptive families match faster with their child’s first family no matter if they were adopting with an adoption agency, adoption attorney, self-matching their adoption, or even independently matching their adoption.

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Adoption Profile Creation in 3 Easy Steps

Creating an adoption profile can be an incredibly stressful situation because everyone wants to adopt a newborn baby as quickly as possible, no matter if you are adopting with an adoption agency or adopting without an adoption agency or with a private adoption attorney. The single most important thing in your adoption journey is your adoption profile. Having an excellent adoption profile can make or break your entire private domestic adoption journey and your adoption’s overall speed. This week we are focused on creating an amazing adoption profile that your ideal expectant mother will be drawn to help you adopt faster.

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Are Adoption Profile Books Dead

Are you independently adopting a baby or wanting to match your adoption without an adoption agency but unsure if you need to create an adoption profile book? It is becoming easier to adopt a baby without an agency with the help of social media platforms, but that is leaving many hopeful adoptive families wondering if they need to create an adoption profile book. Or if creating and sharing your adoption profile on social media will help you find a birth mother, or expectant mother, for your independent adoption.

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How To Create An Adoption Profile Using Social Media To Adopt A Baby

Matching your adoption independently or adopting a baby without an agency can leave you trying to understand how to find an expectant mother (or birth mother before she has given birth) for your independent adoption. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are popular choices to use as your adoption profile when self-matching your adoption, but there are a few key things you need to do in order to be successful in adopting a baby privately without the an adoption agency.

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Adoption Self-Matching Story: Angela K

Every adoption journey looks a little different, even if you compare two self-matching adoptions or independent adoptions. You can match organically through a group based on a post that you share on an adoption opportunity, or you can use paid advertising on social media sites to help you fulfill your dreams of adopting a baby through private domestic adoption. This is the story of Angela K, who used a Facebook page and ads on Facebook and Instagram to match with her children’s first families.

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Have a Successful Self-Matching Adoption in 2022

Are you trying to adopt without an adoption agency or self-match your adoption in 2022? I will give you three tips for having a successful self-matching adoption in 2022, no matter if you are on your private domestic adoption journey. While there are no shortcuts in the private domestic adoption process to adopting a baby, nor should there be, there are proven strategies that have been successful for others in this journey, and that is what we will discuss today.

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Surviving the Adoption Wait Time During the Holidays

I get tons of questions about how long it takes to adopt a baby through private domestic adoption and the answer is it varies tremendously from situation to situation. Surviving the adoption process can be incredibly stressful and waiting for an adoption match can seem unbearable. This video focuses on how to pass the waiting time for being matched with an expectant mother through private domestic adoption. These tips for surviving the adoption process will help you if you are matching via a private adoption attorney, private adoption agency, or even if you are self-matching your adoption.

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Adoption Self-Matching Story: Jessica S

Every adoption journey looks a little different, even if you compare two self-matching adoptions or independent adoptions. You can match organically through a group based on a post that you share on an adoption opportunity, or you can use paid advertising on social media sites to help you fulfill your dreams of adopting a baby through private domestic adoption. This is the story of Jessica S, who used a Facebook page and ads on Facebook and Instagram to match with her children’s first families.

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Adoption Self-Matching Story: Sara L

No two adoption journeys are the same, no matter how you match your private domestic adoption. There are a variety of ways to self-match your adoption or independent adoption. You can share with your friends and family, be open with your life on social media, or even choose to leverage paid social media ads to help spread your story. This is the story of Sara L’s journey from infertility to adopting an infant through private domestic adoption through a community approach.

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Advice from Birth Mother To Hopeful Adoptive Parents

Supporting your birth mother is critical throughout the private domestic adoption process. Having support before and after the adoption is essential. Most hopeful adoptive families are unsure how to best support their children’s first families, but in today’s episode, we are getting tips from Kim from Birth Mom’s Today. We will learn firsthand from a birth mother and grief counselor how to support our birth mothers and form a deeper relationship built on love and respect. This is very important for self-matching adoptions, agency adoptions, and even when using a consultant to adopt!

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Adopting A Baby: The Legal Process of Self-Matching Your Adoption

Starting your private domestic adoption journey and confused by the legal process? In today’s episode, we are joined by Lucrece Bundy, an actual adoption attorney, we are focused on why it is essential to understand the legal side of adoption. She also shares some common adoption legal language with us like ICPC, revocation period, and generally how the legal process works when you are self-matching or independently adopting, without the help from an adoption agency or consultant.

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10 Tips To Spotting an Adoption Scam

Adoption self-matching requires you to think beyond the traditional adoption profile book to share your adoption profile. Your profile will likely become a series of social media posts, adoption videos, and an adoption website when you are adopting a baby without an adoption agency. This week’s content covers steps that you need to take before creating your adoption profile.

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Adoption Self-Matching Process Step 2 Creating and Sharing Your Adoption Profile

Adoption self-matching requires you to think beyond the traditional adoption profile book to share your adoption profile. Your profile will likely become a series of social media posts, adoption videos, and an adoption website when you are adopting a baby without an adoption agency. This week’s content covers steps that you need to take before creating your adoption profile.

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Adoption Self-Matching Process Step 1 Legal, Financial and Home Study Overview

Self-Matching adoption or adopting without an agency may feel overwhelming but this step-by-step guide will help you get started on your independent adoption with confidence! In today’s episode, we are covering the basics that you need to know when it comes to understanding the adoption legal process, how to budget and pay for your adoption, and how to become a home study approved family. These steps could help you save money and time on your private domestic adoption journey.

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Adoption Self Matching Step-By-Step

Self-Matching Adoption or Adopting without an agency is possible if you understand the step-by-step to adopt without an adoption agency and if you surround yourself with the right partners to help you. In fact, if you follow the step-by-step process to self-matching your adoption that I am sharing today you could make your private domestic adoption process easier, faster and maybe even adopt without debt!

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How To Adopt Without An Agency, Adoption Self-Matching

Adoption doesn’t have to cost tens of thousands of dollars. You can self-match your adoption or have an independent adoption if the laws in your state allow it. In today’s episode we are focused on giving you the step-by-step guide to adopting a child without an agency or consultant so that you can make your private domestic adoption process easier, faster, and more affordable.

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