Surviving Every Day While Waiting To Adopt

The private domestic adoption process can be somewhat discouraging, and one of the most challenging elements of the journey is the waiting to be chosen by expectant parents. The average wait time for a private domestic adoption journey can range from 1-2 years, but there are some things you can do to help your adoption journey move along more quickly, that is what we will cover in this post.

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Amanda Koval
Surviving Mother's Day While Waiting To Adopt

Surviving the adoption process can be incredibly stressful and waiting for an adoption match can seem unbearable. This article focuses on how to pass the waiting time for being matched with an expectant mother through private domestic adoption. These tips for surviving the adoption process will help you if you are matching via a private adoption attorney, private adoption agency, or even if you are self matching your adoption.

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Amanda Koval
How To Find An Adoption Match

Finding an adoption match can seem more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. The process of finding an expectant mother to match with can be hard even if you are adopting a baby through an adoption agency or an adoption attorney. Self-matching your adoption can be particularly complicated finding an expectant mother as well. However, it doesn’t have to be that way with planning and support!

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Amanda Koval
Announce My Adoption

Announcing your adoption to your friends and family comes with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. How will they respond to your adoption announcement? What if they are supportive of your plan to adopt a baby? How do you respond to negative comments when you announce your adoption? In this article and podcast, I give you the top tips from my own experience, my clients’ experience, and the amazing My Adoption Coach Facebook group.

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Amanda Koval
Private Domestic Adoption Terminology

The process of adopting a baby through private domestic adoption is full of terminology that can be confusing. This makes the adoption process that much more difficult when you are searching for adoption agencies, adoption consultants, adoption attorneys, or even adoption coaches to help you through your private domestic adoption journey. That is why we have a focus on sharing the adoption terminology with you so you can have an easier, faster and more affordable adoption.

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Amanda Koval
How To Pay For Your Adoption

The cost of adoption can seem overwhelming and unattainable, but this step-by-step guide to funding your adoption will help you through the process of fulfilling your dream of becoming a mother through adoption. This step-by-step guide to funding your adoption will help you in all adoption opportunities, private agency adoption, self matching with a private attorney, and even affording your foster care adoption. Don’t let finances keep you from adopting a baby; this step-by-step guide to funding your adoption is critical to helping you pay for your adoption.

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Amanda Koval
How To Pass An Adoption Home Study

The adoption home study can feel super overwhelming when you are just starting the private domestic adoption process, but passing your adoption home study does not have to be stressful. This step-by-step guide walks you through the entire process of the adoption home study process no matter which type of adoption you are using.

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Amanda Koval
How To Adopt A Baby With A Private Agency

The process to adopt a baby with a private adoption agency can be confusing but this how-to guide will give you the step-by-step process to make adopting a baby with a private adoption agency easier. This guide covers: how to adopt a baby with private adoption, how much it costs to adopt a baby with private adoption, how long does it take to adopt a baby with private adoption, and who can adopt a baby.

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Amanda Koval
How To Adopt A Baby With A Private Attorney

Adopting a baby with a private attorney can be confusing but this article gives you the step-by-step process to make adopting a baby with a private attorney easier. It also covers how long it takes to adopt a baby with a private attorney and how much it costs to adopt a baby with a private attorney. This is one of the seven types of domestic private adoption.

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Amanda Koval
How To Self Match Your Adoption

Figuring out how to adopt a baby can be confusing but this article gives you an overview of the 7 different ways you can adopt a baby through private domestic adoption. It also covers how long it takes to adopt a baby, how much it costs to adopt a baby, and gives you some general tips for each of the 7 types of private domestic adoption so that you can adopt a baby easier, faster, and more affordably.

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Amanda Koval
7 Ways To Adopt A Baby Through Private Domestic Adoption

Figuring out how to adopt a baby can be confusing but this article gives you an overview of the 7 different ways you can adopt a baby through private domestic adoption. It also covers how long it takes to adopt a baby, how much it costs to adopt a baby, and gives you some general tips for each of the 7 types of private domestic adoption so that you can adopt a baby easier, faster, and more affordably.

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Amanda Koval
52 Adoption Grants Worth $368,100

52 Adoption Grants Worth $368,100

Adoption grants can seem elusive or hard to come by when you are just starting out trying to find ways to fund your adoption. But as with anything in life, a little step by step process on how to tackle this subject can be just the kick in the pants you need to get going. When you pair that with a quick list of the best adoption grants around, you can start making progress towards funding your adoption!

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Amanda Koval
5 Tips To Adopting A Newborn Faster

There are a few critical elements to your adoption journey that will help you adopt a newborn more quickly. Being clear on what situations you feel equipped to parent successfully, having the right partner in your adoption journey, creating an amazing adoption profile, understanding what an expectant mother needs to know about you, and using social media effectively. Everyone wants tips to adopt a newborn baby as quickly as possible, no matter if you are adopting with an adoption agency or adopting without an adoption agency with a private adoption attorney. This article will give you the step-by-step process to help you be successful in your private domestic adoption journey.

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Amanda Koval
How To Create an Adoption Profile That Matches Fast

Everyone wants tips to adopt a newborn baby as quickly as possible, no matter if you are adopting with an adoption agency or adopting without an adoption agency with a private adoption attorney. The single most important thing in your adoption journey is your adoption profile. Having an excellent adoption profile can make or break your entire private domestic adoption journey and your adoption’s overall speed. This article focuses on how creating a fantastic adoption profile will help you match faster.

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Amanda Koval
What To include In An Adoption Profile

Everyone wants tips to adopt a newborn baby as quickly as possible, no matter if you are adopting with an adoption agency or adopting without an adoption agency with a private adoption attorney. The single most important thing in your adoption journey is your adoption profile. Having an excellent adoption profile can make or break your entire private domestic adoption journey and your adoption’s overall speed. This article focuses on creating an amazing adoption profile that your ideal expectant mother will be drawn to.

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Amanda Koval
How To Use Video To Adopt A Baby Faster

A great adoption video is a powerful element to help your domestic newborn adoption journey be faster, and creating a great adoption video is much easier than everyone thinks. You just need a plan and a smartphone to be successful in helping you make a great adoption profile video. Think of this as an extension of your adoption profile, which is the single most important thing in your adoption journey’s success. This article focuses on the best adoption tips to make your adoption journey easier.

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Amanda Koval
How to Pick an Adoption Agency

Picking the right adoption agency or adoption consultant is a critical step in the adoption process. It is important to pick an agency that is a good fit for your communication style, that has a clear step-by-step approach to adoption, and that specializes in your specific type of adoption (domestic infant adoption, international adoption, etc). This article will give you the list of questions you need to ask to ensure you are finding the right adoption agency or adoption consultant for your adoption journey.

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Amanda Koval
10 Ways To Find An Expectant Mother Faster

Waiting to adopt a baby can seem like an eternity. You want to do everything in your power to lose the process of adopting a newborn move as fast as possible. This article gives you the tips to adopt a baby faster by finding your own expectant mother or birth mother to match with either with an adoption agency or with an adoption attorney.

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Amanda Koval
How To Self Match Your Adoption

Self matching your adoption is often an overlooked option when it comes to adopting a newborn, but it can save you tremendous amounts of money. If not planned appropriately though it can cost you years of time and countless broken hearts. This article will give you the step-by-step process to finding a birth mother or an expectant mother faster by self matching your adoption.

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Amanda Koval